The Tamagotchi Connection set the standard design of Tamagotchi virtual pets up until the Tamagotchi Plus Color in Japan and the TamaTown Tama-Go globally. The Tamagotchi Connection Version 2, Tamagotchi Music Star, and Oden-Kun Tamagotchi use the same mold, while other releases have a similar size and shape, but have an additional design to the left side, such as an antenna. Pausing the tamagotchi won’t stop the clock from running but it will stop the growth process. When the virtual pet is put in pause mode, it will be shown below the frozen character. Hold the (A) button and without releasing, press the (B) button. Repeat these steps to unpause. Mute/Turn off Sound. These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus (only the language and a few minor items have changed). Tamagotchi Connection, the USA cousin of the Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus, was released on August 15, 2004.
Tamagotchi Connections have arrived!
On March 20, 2004 Bandai launched Tamagotchi Plus, a new enhanced version of the original Tamagotchi virtual pet (originally released in 1996). Tamagotchi Plus is available in stores only in Japan. New Tamagotchis were also released to the European market in late May of 2004. These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus (only the language and a few minor items have changed). Tamagotchi Connection, the USA cousin of the Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus, was released on August 15, 2004.