Making Friends:
The advanced Tamagotchi Connection features new infrared communication functions allowing the virtual pet to become friends with other Tamagotchi and store a 'friend list' of up to 50 friends. The more friends you have, the more fun! Once an adults, the Tamagotchi can connect with a compatible Tamagotchi friend and have a second-generation Tamagotchi that the owner can care for and nurture into an adult to create a possible third and fourth generation.
Meeting the Matchmaker:
If your Tamagotchi connection has not found a compatible mate by the time it reaches 7-10 years old (7-10 days in real time) then Mrs. Busybody will come along and suggest a mate. Reject her suggested mate too many times and your Tamagotchi will become a lonely old singleton. Be careful, you never know how many times she'll return!
Earning 'Training' Bars:
The way you train your Tamagotchi will affect how it will grow up and how disciplined it will be (determined by the amount of training bars). To earn training bars, you should praise it when it does something good, but give it a 'time out' if it refuses to do what you're asking it to do.
Tamagotchi Connection can be many characters depending on the level of care. The Japanese version, Tamagotchi Plus, characters are described by Tamagotchi Square. Version is probably pretty similar. Tamagotchi Square also supplies a Growth Chart for Tamagotchi Plus. The Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 (abbreviated as the V3) is the first Tamagotchi release outside Japan that interacts with the now retired Tamatown. It has more characters than the previously released versions (52 total) and offers a password concept similar to the Keitai Kaitsuu Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi Connection Caring Guide (US / English) Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes; Tamagotchi Connexion Digital Friends of the World. Instruction Sheet ©Bandai WiZ 2004 Bandai 2004. Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will.

Tamagotchi Connection Allegro 2
Secrets to Happiness:
Feeding your Tamagotchi a snack helps make it happy — but be cautious because too many snacks can cause cavities!
Keeping Fit:
Keep your Tamagotchi healthy by not only feeding it but also exercising it, too. It needs to stay in tiptop shape in order to grow, mature and creature new generations.
Tamagotchi Connection Allegro 2017
Maker sure you give your Tamagotchi medicine at the first signs of illness (represented by a skull hovering above). The sooner you treat your Tamagotchi's illness, the better. And don't hesitate to give it a double dosage if necessary.
Tamagotchi Connection Allegro 2
Return to Tamagotchi Planet:
If a winged Tamagotchi appears on your screen, it means that your Tamagotchi decided to go back to its home planet. But don't despair — simply press the (A) and (C) buttons at the same time and your new egg is ready for hatching!
Tamagotchi Connections have arrived!
Tamagotchi Connection Allegro Plus
On March 20, 2004 Bandai launched Tamagotchi Plus, a new enhanced version of the original Tamagotchi virtual pet (originally released in 1996). Tamagotchi Plus is available in stores only in Japan. New Tamagotchis were also released to the European market in late May of 2004. These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus (only the language and a few minor items have changed). Tamagotchi Connection, the USA cousin of the Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus, was released on August 15, 2004.