I have been compiling a digital library of Tamagotchi charts, guides, and items. Initially, it for my personal use; but I thought that I'd want to share my love for Tamagotchi with my fellow Tama fans! (I will give credit wherever possible. If you see something that's yours, please contact me and I will gladly credit you for it!)
These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus (only the language and a few minor items have changed). Tamagotchi Connection, the USA cousin of the Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus, was released on August 15, 2004. What is the Tamagotchi Connection?
- Tamagotchi Lineup - List of all Tamagotchi models from the official Tamagotchi Website
- Not sure which Color Screen Tamagotchi to get? Check out this Color Tamagotchi Comparison Chart created by @sammytchi_827!
Downloads, Guides, & Translations for various Tamagotchi Models:
OFFICIAL Tamagotchi On / Meets App - Compatible with Tamagotchi Meets, On & M!X

MyMeets App - The UNOFFICIAL app for Tamagotchi Meets & On (custom downloads, create your custom character, and more!)
BACKLIGHT MOD TUTORIAL - Learn how to add backlight to your Vintage and Connection Tamagotchis!!
TAMATOWN has loads of guides and FAQ's. Check them out!
Sumikko Atsume
Sumikko Atsume English Translation Guide - Created by Rachel for Fuzzy N Chic
Printable Faceplates - Created by Fuzzy N Chic
Sumikko Sagashi
Sumikko Sagashi English Translation Guide - Created by Rachel for Fuzzy N Chic (this guide is incomplete, so I would appreciate any contribution!)
Printable Faceplates - Created by Fuzzy N Chic
Otoizm 2006 Konami - English Instruction Manual
Motchimaruzu Character Growth Chart / Personality Chart - Created by @sammytchi_827
Motchimaruzu Recipe Guide - Credits to NewEngland Toys
Gudetama Tamagotchi Deaths Guide - Created by Fuzzy N Chic
Mirai Scope English Translation Guide - Created by Fuzzy N Chic
Blog Review on Human Player - written by Rachel from www.fuzzy-n-chic.com
English Translated Manual for Digimon Ver. 20th Anniversary - Credits to Sinobali
Tamagotchi Connection
DigiMan English Translation Guide - Created by Fuzzy N Chic
Tamagezi Guides from TamaTown
Check out Lydia's blog, TAMAGOTCHI WORLD, where she does reviews and videos on Tamagotchis and various other virtual pets!!
Tamagotchi School / TamaSuku
Instruction Manual & Guide Page 6
Connect: There are three categories on this option.
- The first selection is used to connect with other Tamagotchi Schools.
- The second selection has two options. The first option is for communication with EnTama & UraTama. The second option leads to a screen that looks like Gotchi Points exchange. Looks like you can give and/or receive Gotchi Points from Entama and Uratama (and possibly other Japanese Tamagotchi items like Tamagotchi Resort).
- The Third selection is for connecting with JuKuTama. A JuKuTama is a type of DekaTama. When you connect with JuKuTama ten more students, at random, will join your school. The word 'JuKu' refers to an after-hours school; a sort of night-class you would attend if your grades in regular school are poor. The JuKuTama can connect to TamaSchool only. It can not connect to EnTama, UraTama, etc. The JuKuTama is available, for you to connect to (in a manner similar to DekaTamas), in the shops at the addresses listed on the bottom of this page.
Special thanks goes to binary/tamatalk_binary (TamaTalk, Tama-Zone, VPetsML) for giving me all the details and information on the TamaSuku Connection icon use.
Note: You cannot connect the TamaSuku to Tamagotchi Connections.
Regular Items: I do not know if these items ever change, I suspect that due to the name, these items wont change. Right now I find the following items: Smile Roulette Mini Game, Japanese Language Studies Book, Math Book, Science Book, a cookie with tama face in the center and a sweat suit.
- Smile Roulette: I believe for the mini game you choose a square, than try to stop the curser on the square you chose while it’s moving fast.
- The Books: The Japanese Language Studies Book increased the Japanese Language Studies grade score seen in the Status Meter by 10. The Math and Science book do the same, for the Math and Science category. I have a feeling that class marks are very important, however I have not completely figured that part of TamaSuku out yet.I did try using different students to read the books and that had no effect. I had a student that specilizes in science reading the science book and the marks did not go up any faster. Nothing else appears to be effected by the books. I could be wrong.
Special thanks goes to binary/tamatalk_binary (TamaTalk, Tama-Zone, VPetsML) for clarifying the correct name of the Smile Roulette item.
- Cookie: The cookie does not appear to do anything special. It just shows your current student eating it.
- Sweat Suit: The sweat suit, when used, leads to an animation of your current student trying to jump over a hurdle - like a physical education game. No stats appear to change when using the sweat suit.
Seasonal Items: Due to the title I can only assume that what is available here changes. So far I haven't seen any change. These items you buy from the Seasonal Items store at the Shop. I can tell you that in the back of the manual they list six items for this category. I have seen two items so far: a baton and a spotlight.
- Spotlight: The spotlight appears to take my current selected student to Tama Town. The animation is cute, but I honestly have no idea what is happening here.
- Baton: The second item, a baton, leads to a cute little animation that is actually a mini game. The game takes place being drawn on the chalkboard. Press the Right Arrow on the 'A' keypad repeatedly to help your student win the race.
Special thanks goes to binary/tamatalk_binary (TamaTalk, Tama-Zone, VPetsML) for clarifying the correct names of the Spotlight and Baton items.
Student Gifts: You receive these from your students. There is no number next to the items when they are in your items list so I can only assume they are of unlimited use.
Special Items: I have nothing in this category but I don't have any other Tama's to connect with. I suspect this category is for gifts from connecting experiences.
Friends List: I believe this icon is accessible if only you have connected with another Tamagotchi. I just get an error sound when I select this icon.
Items that show a number next to them have a limited use. The number is how many times you can use the item until it will disappear from your items menu. At this point you have to repurchase the item to use it again. Keep in mind that if you buy a new item without finishing using your old item of the same kind, it will erase your old item. For example if you have 1 Science Book left and you buy the new set of 3, the total you will have in your Items will be 3, not 4. So be sure to use up everything before purchasing more.
Also I'd like to say that in the Japanese manual they list out 6 items for each shop, meaning I only have access to two items right now. I have listed the additional items below with the rest.
Items without a number next to them are unlimited use. This is only shown under the items selection. Images shown on this page are from the shop.
Regular Items:
- Smile Roulette Mini Game: 550 Gotchi Points
- Japanese Language Studies Book: 3000 Gotchi Points
- Math Book: 3000 Gotchi Points
- Science Book: 3000 Gotchi Points
- Cookie: 300 Gotchi Points
- Sweat Suit: 900 Gotchi Points
Tamagotchi Connection Manual Online
Seasonal Items:
- Snowflake(?): 600 Gotchi Points
- Dot(?): 800 Gotchi Points
- Ghost Costume(?): 1200 Gotchi Points
- Bolt(?): 700 Gotchi Points
- Spotlight: 1500 Gotchi Points
- Baton: 650 Gotchi Points
Special thanks goes to binary/tamatalk_binary (TamaTalk, Tama-Zone, VPetsML) for clarifying the correct names of the Smile Roulette, Spotlight and Baton items.
Raised Hand (Attention Icon):
This icon lights up whenever something is happening on your TamaSuku. Most of the time a tune or beeping will accompany this lit icon.