Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5 Original Virtual Pet - Fallen Leaves in Electronic Pets. Mar 11, 2008 (may only be for v 4.5 but not sure)Hey ive got a really cool cheat that can get you. I have a v4.5 tamagotchi connection and I have tried everything to get the shop codes to work but i can't seem to get it. Can you get a dog on the tamagotchi July 29, 2009 at 6:39 AM Anonymous said. What does that b2 mean under the first panel?
The Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 was first released on 15th August 2004, in North America and shortly after, in Europe as the Tamagotchi Connexion. It's known as the Tamagotchi Plus in Japan. It was the first modern Tamagotchi to include the concept of marriage and mating, which itself come from the Japanese language Osutchi and Mesutchi.The V1 as it's commonly known is also the first Tamagotchi to use Infrared to connect to other Tamagotchi's in order to play games, and to build up friendships which can eventually lead into marriage and offspring. It was released with 9 adult characters, 4 teenagers, 2 toddlers and 2 babies, depending on the Tamagotchi's gender for a total of 17 characters.
The new Tamagotchi V1 has a larger screen than the vintages (pre 2004) releases before it, 32x30 rather than 32x16 pixels. It also has 10 icons instead of 8. The new icons that are included are:
- Communication - This icon is used to connect your Tamagotchi to others using the infrared. This is also how you can build up a relationship with a second Tamagotchi. You Tamagotchi can also receive gifts, which your Tamagotchi may then play with, or eat depending on what it is.
- Friends list - The ninth icon is how you view your friends list. Each Tamagotchi that you connect to will be recorded here, as will how close of friends you are.

Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons
- Dance: This game is played with all three buttons to make the character copy dance steps. Pressing A makes the character move to the left, C makes it move to the right and B makes it jump.
- Jump: This game is played with the middle button (B). Pressing it at the right time will make the character jump over the hurdles. The more hurdles jumped successfully, the faster the character runs towards them. There are 30 hurdles to jump in order to win the game.
The Tamagotchi Version 1 can also Connect to other Tamagotchi devices and mate with them, up until the release of the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5.
Here are some of the passwords for the Tamagotchi V4.5.
Go to the shop, where you can access from the 'Baseball' iconand Press the middle button. You will see a ShopKeeper. Press the'A' button three times. He will look stunned or shocked. Now, youcan type in the code.
BCAA CBAB will result in a pen.
BABC BAAA will result in a steak.
CAAC BBCB will result in a '!!' (clone)
BBAA ABCB will result in honey ( The love potion)
Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5 3
CCA CBBC will result in CD3 or Cellphone.
If you do all of these codes one after another, you will get thecellphone. If you do them not in order you cannot get thecellphone.
Reminder: Only adults can use the cellphone.
Here are some number, you can call AFTER your tamagotchi is anadult.
Tamagotchi Connection Ds

CCAC BCBC- Grand Parent
AACC CABA- Pre School
ACCB CAAB- Turtle Teacher
CBBC BABB- Flower Teacher
Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5 2
BBAC CAAB- Paint Teacher
BABC AAAB- Tama King
Tamagotchi Connection V6
Hopes this helps (:
Tamagotchi Connection V2