Tamagotchi Connection V4 Growth Chart

You can search for V3 Tamagotchi across the Internet, usually at Buy and Sell sites, such as http://ebay.com and http://amazon.com.

Tamagotchi V4 Growth Chart We went berserk with this chart! Now to actually out how to get specific characters. Makiko looks really cute!.Tamagotchi Connection Chart (1).Tamagotchi Food Chart (2).Tamagotchi Growth Chart (1).Tamagotchi Sleep/Wake Times Chart. Growth Chart Tamagotchi Plus See more. Many thanks to Natasja for sharing this chart. Bandai has finally posted a character chart on their web site. V4.5 characters - Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks - TamaTalk See more. Sionainn Maire Tamagotchi Forever.

Search for 'Tamagotchi Connection Version 3' in the Search box. You should usually come up with a a variety of results, including Tamagotchi V3s. If you do not like the price, look for another V3 that has a price you like elsewhere. You can also bid for v3s on some Buy and Sell sites, such as http://ebay.com
The highest bid in the limited amount of time to bid wins the V3 but haves to pay the bid money. You can usually find V3s at stores, such as an American Target store, a American Walmart store, or one you usually find a variety of things including a large amount of toys. People who live in the U.K. can usually shop for V3s at http://bandai.co.uk They cost in pounds. You will probably find one in stock. You can ask people if they know of any place to get a V3, but remember to ask a reasonable person, a person who has a lot of tamagotchi knowledge. Not a person who does not have a v3 or a tamagotchi and does not know anything about v3 connections. I hope you can find a suitable v3 for yourself!
GrowthConnectionMore information: http://tamagotchi-faq.tamatalk.com/index.php?action=artikel&cat=7&id=21&artlang=enFirst, the egg hatches a minute after you set the clock.
Baby to child = 1 hour and 5 minutes
Child to teen = Varies. Japanese releases take 3 days, all others 1 day.Tamagotchi v4 for sale
Teen to adult = 4 days.
Adult to marriage proposal = approx. 3 days.

Tamagotchi Connection V4 Growth Chart

Around ages 10-12, your Tama can evolve into Ojitchi or Otokitchi. If you're using an Entama or Uratama, you can get a secret character around that same time.

Tamagotchi V4 Characters

Time until death = Varies on the owner. Good health will keep it alive for a long time, while neglect can shorten the life span.

Tamagotchi Connection V4 Growth Chart Free

Pausing (available on non-Japanese versions only) pauses the growth of your Tamagotchi. For example. You have a baby for half an hour, then pause it for an hour. Babies take only an hour and 5 minutes to evolve, but as it's paused at 30 minutes of its life, it must wait until being unpaused to continue where it had left off.