Tamagotchi Mix Connection


What are Tamagotchi Connections?

What are they? Tamagotchi Connections (also Tamagotchi Connexions and Tamagotchi Plus) are a portable interactive virtual pet that needs 'parenting' in order to grow and develop. Unlike the original Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi Connection, Connexion and Plus pets feature built-in infrared communications (called Tamacom). This allows Tamagotchi Connections pets to communicate with other Tamagotchi Connexions (or Tamagotchi Plus) pets nearby.

In order to start Tamagotchi on a good growth path, you must take good care of Tamagotchi right from the start. FEED: Press A button until knife and fork icon is highlighted, then press B. Select either Meal or Snack by pressing the B button to feed Tamagotchi. The only exceptions are the Tamagotchi Plus Color and Tamatown Tama-Go; female babies can be born as well, who grow into Grippatchi. On the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5, if any offspring of an Oyajitchi is given good care as a child they will evolve into one of the universal teenagers and then into one of the universal adults. This will continue on for generation after generation until sufficient neglect as a child results in it evolving into one of the regular Ura teenagers.

This new generation of Tamagotchi pets also feature other enhancements when compared with the original Tamagotchi from 1996. An improved screen display and circuits allows for smooth movement, sophisticated graphics, character movements, virtual pet life events and more!

That sounds great... But BORING!
What's the big fuss over the new Tamagotchi Connection pets?

Let's skip the boring 'official' details and cut to the fun parts... Tamagotchi Connection, Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Plus are virtual pets. You carry around your pet and care for it. Your Tamagotchi pet will interact and play with you as it learns and grows. One of the best new features of the updated Tamagotchi lets your Tamagotchi Connection (Tamagotchi Connexion or Tamagotchi Plus) pet talk to other Tamagotchi pets over a wireless connection. With this, your Tamagotchi pets and those of your friends can become friends, exchange gifts, play games, get married and even have babies! Imagine how fun that will be for both you and your Tamagotchi to be best friends with your best friends and their Tamagotchis! And... Did we mention how cute they are?

Tamagotchi Mix Connection Free

The original Tamagotchi pets were a huge hit because they were so fun to interact with and care for. With all this new stuff, the new Tamagotchi Connection pets should be even bigger! In fact, millions have already been sold worldwide... And the best is yet to come!