Tamagotchi Connection
Specifications & Technical Information
Tamagotchi Plus SpecificationsTamagotchi Connection will be very similar. Size - 49 mm wide by 17 mm deep by 58 mm tall Price - U.S. Suggested retail for Tamagotchi Connection is $14.99. Weight 33 grams including battery Battery - one CR2032 (included), 3 volts Initial Tamagotchi Plus Colors - white, black, pink, aqua, yellow, blue Initial Tamagotchi Connection Colors: Peach with hearts Information on Tamagotchi Connection Characters and Tamagotchi Patents is below. |

Apr 12, 2010 Tamagotchi. What batteries does a 2004 tamagotchi use? Wiki User April 12, 2010 9:19PM. All Tamagotchis require a CR2034 battery. Related Questions.
Tamagotchi Connection Battery Size Chart
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Tamagotchi Connection can be many characters depending on the level of care. The Japanese version, Tamagotchi Plus, characters are described by Tamagotchi Square. The U.S. version is probably pretty similar. Tamagotchi Square also supplies a Growth Chart for Tamagotchi Plus.
PatentsAki Maita of Bandai Company in Tokyo is often credited as the 'inventor' of the original Tamagotchi. Akihiro Yokoi of Wiz Company in Chiba, Japan was another major player in the background. Their names also appear on many of the more recent patents in this area.

U.S. Patent 6,609,968 Rearing Simulation Apparatus, issued 26 Aug. 2003. Assigned to Bandai.
Patent discusses how it calculates degree of 'care' to determine a 'metamorphosis character'(which character the baby Tamagotchi will turn into). Figure 3 of this patent illustrates some of the processes (calculations) going on behind the scenes.
Japan Patent Abstracts #2000-296272 (Oct. 24,2000) Rearing Simulator of Virtual Life
Japanese version of patent above.

U.S. Patent 6,227,966 Simulation Device for Fostering a Virtual Creature, issued 8 May 2001. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Defines the 'egg', switches and general operation.
Tamagotchi Battery Replacement
U.S. Patent 6,213,871 Nurturing Simulation Apparatus for Virtual Creatures, issued 10 Apr. 2001. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Discusses the 'egg', switches and general operation.
Tamagotchi Connection Battery Size Chart
U.S. Patent 5,966,526 Simulation Device for Fostering a Virtual Creature, issued 12 Oct. 1999. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Covers several aspects of the original Tamagotchi.
U.S. Patent Application 2003/0216160 Breeding Simulation Apparatus for Virtual Creatures, published20 Nov. 2003.
Discusses the ability to communicate with another Tamagotchi nearby.
U.S. Patent Application 2001/0036859 Breeding SImulation Apparatus for Virtual Creatures, published 1 Nov. 2001.
An earlier version of the application above.
U.S. Design Patent 407,760 Game Apparatus issued 6 Apr. 1999.
'Egg' for Tamagotchi Angel.
Tamagotchi Connection Battery Sizes
U.S. Design Patent 405,475 Game Apparatus issued 9 Feb. 1999. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Body for one of the earlier pets that physically connected/mated with another 'egg'.
U.S. Design Patent 405,125 Game Apparatus issued 2 Feb. 1999. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Body for one of the earlier pets that physically connected/mated with another 'egg'.
Old Tamagotchi For Sale
U.S. Design Patent 398,659 Game Apparatus issued 22 Sept. 1998. Assigned to Bandai and Kabushiki Kaisha Wiz.
Original 'egg' patent.