Tamagotchi Connection Caring Guide (US / English) Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes; Tamagotchi Connexion Digital Friends of the World. Instruction Sheet ©Bandai WiZ 2004 Bandai 2004. Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will. Repeat to turn the sound back on or off. Top of Page Q. My Tamagotchi Connection was dancing and singing!? Is this normal? All Tamagotchi characters do more then just pace on the screen on Tamagotchi Connection. Each character has different actions and special animations. Top of Page Q. When do I use Time Out / Discipline?

you can't pause your tamagotchi but you can shut it off. Youjust have to take the battery out and it will shut off. when youwant to play with it again, put the battery in again and instead ofpressing reset, you press download and you can play with yourtamagotchi.
Actually, you can pause it. You go to the TV icon and get onthat. Then, you go to travel channel. You let it go through theplaces. And the it will ask you if you want to go. You say yes andit is paused until you press the middle button and say comeback!
Hope this helps more than that because you could break yourtamagotchi when taking the batteries out!

Well, I have v 4.5 and you can only turn if off by taking thebattery's out or reinserting the little tab. Although, you canpause it by holding in the a button and then pressing c.
Tamagotchi Connection Turn Off Sound
Posted: 5/7/09
Tamagotchi Connection Sound Off Pc
Kate: My 4.5 just shuts off when I take out the battery but it'sa pain to keep screwing on and off the bolt but it's worth it. Ihop this helps!
Well, i pause my new tamagatchi by pressing the middle and leftbutton at the same time, i hope this helps
P.S. Taking the batteries out is a pain, you might want to buy apack of batteries if you just 'pause' the game, this will probablystill run the game, and use your batteries, i would rather buy apack than open and shut the screw, hope that helped to! :D